Top List: Best Credit Cards 2025

  • re:member flex Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos re:member

    Re:member flex

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 120 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 8,12 - 24,95 %
    • Räntefria dagar 56 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Individuell ränta
    • 56 dagar räntefri kredit och 2 betalningsfria månader per år
    • Drivmedelsrabatt på Preem
    • Rabatt i över 300 butiker på nätet
  • Bank Norwegian Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Bank Norwegian

    Bank Norwegian

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 150 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 24,35 %
    • Räntefria dagar 45 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Få 0,5-4% % i bonuspoäng.
    • Gratis reseförsäkring och ett avbeställningsskydd.
  • Coop Mastercard Mer Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Entercard

    Coop Mastercard Mer

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 150 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr 295 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 20,51 %
    • Räntefria dagar 55 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Bonus på alla köp
    • Ju mer pengar du spenderar med ditt Coop-kort resulterar också i högre intjäningsnivåer
    • Första året är helt gratis
    • Köpförsäkring, prisgaranti och allrisk ingår
  • Swedbank Mastercard Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Swedbank

    Swedbank Mastercard

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 20 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr 195 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 14,77 %
    • Räntefria dagar 55 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Låg årsavgift
    • Kompletterande reseförsäkring med bland annat avbeställningsskydd
    • Ingen aviavgift för e-faktura
    • Ingen årsavgift första året
  • Collector Easyliving Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Collector

    Collector Easyliving

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 50 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr 195 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 17,29 %
    • Räntefria dagar 56 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Gratis första året om du ansöker via oss.
    • Utan valutapåslag.
    • Konkurrenskraftig kreditränta.
    • Omfattande reseförsäkringar
    • Upp till 56 dagar räntefritt.
  • Northmill Kreditkort Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Northmill


    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 0 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 0,00 %
    • Räntefria dagar 0 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Tillverkade av återvunnen plats.
    • Direkta insättningar och uttag till sparkonto. 
    • Inget valutapåslag.
  • Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Resurs

    Resurs Classic

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 30 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 18,68 - 24,74 %
    • Räntefria dagar 60 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Upp till 60 dagar räntefri kredit
    • Kontaktlöst samt Apple Pay och Google Pay
    • Betala räkningar med kortet
    • Delbetala i upp till 12 månader utan ränta
  • MoreGolf Mastercard Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Entercard

    MoreGolf Mastercard

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 160 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr 295 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 20,22 %
    • Räntefria dagar 55 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Bonus på allt du handlar med kortet
    • Hole-In-One försäkring
    • 9 000 bonuspoäng i välkomstbonus
  • Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Resurs Bank

    Resurs Gold

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 150 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 245 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 20,95 - 27,43 %
    • Räntefria dagar 60 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Poäng på alla köp
    • Kontaktlöst samt Apple Pay och Google Pay
    • Reseförsäkring för hela familjen
    • Upp till 60 dagars räntefri kredit
    • Delbetala räntefritt i 6 eller 12 månader
  • Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Resurs

    Resurs World

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 200 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 1 068 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 26,12 %
    • Räntefria dagar 60 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Concierge service och Lounge AccessKey.
    • Poäng på alla inköp.
    • Reseförsäkring för hela familjen.
    • Kontaktlöst samt Apple Pay och Google Pay
    • Delbetala räntefritt i upp till 12 månader
  • Qred Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Qred


    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 2 000 000 kr
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 0,00 %
    • Räntefria dagar 45 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Inget valutapåslag
    • Kontrollera utgifter i tillhörande app
    • 1% cashback
  • Revolut Standard Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Revolut

    Revolut Standard

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 2,00 % (min 10 kr)
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Fri valutaväxling.
    • Fria kontantuttag upp till 2000 kr/mån.
    • Kan kopplas till Apple- och Google Pay.
    • Användarvänlig app med många funktioner som underlättar hanteringen av din ekonomi.
  • N26 Smart Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos N26

    N26 Smart

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 588 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Välj mellan fem olika färger att ha på ditt kort.
    • Fem fria bankomatuttag varje månad.
    • Inga avgifter för kortköp, oavsett valuta.
    • Kostnadsfri app med en mängd funktioner.
  • Revolut <18 Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos null

    Revolut <18

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Gratis bankkort och konto för barn/ungdommar.
    • Vårdnadshavare har full kontroll över ekonomin.
  • N26 You Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos N26

    N26 You

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 1 296 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Fria uttag i hela världen.
    • Rabatter och erbjudanden.
    • Gratis kortbetalningar i alla valutor.
    • Försäkringar ingår utan extra kostnad.
  • N26 Metal Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos N26

    N26 Metal

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 2 040 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Medlemskap i LoungeKey.
    • Exklusiva rabatter och erbjudanden.
    • Lyxigt kort i metall.
    • Gratis uttag oavsett var i världen du befinner dig.
    • Dedikerad kundsupport.
  • Bunq Elite Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Bunq

    Bunq Elite

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 2 160 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 10 kr
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Köpskydd och förlängd garanti ingår.
    • Exklusivt metallkort
    • Användarvänlig app.
    • För varje 1000 kr som spenderas med kortet så planterar Bunq ett träd.
  • Curve Pay X Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos null

    Curve Pay X

    Jämför kort
    • Maxkredit 0 kr
    • Årskostnad 800 kr
    • Effektiv ränta 0,00 %
    • Räntefria dagar 0 dagar
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Samlar upp till fem kort i ett.
    • Inget valutapåslag eller kontantuttagsavgift.
    • Ändra debiterat kort 60 dagar i efterhand
  • Curve Black Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Curve

    Curve Pay Pro

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 1 200 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Samla alla kort i ett.
    • 1% cashback i 6 utvalda butiker.
    • Reseförsäkring med avbeställningsskydd.
  • Curve Metal Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Curve

    Curve Metal

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 2 400 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Samla alla kort i ett.
    • 1% cashback i 6 valfria butiker.
    • Lounge Access.
    • Flera försäkringar.
  • Bunq Pro Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Bunq

    Bunq Pro

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 1 080 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 10 kr
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Ingen avgift för kontantuttag eller valutaväxling.
    • Smidig och användarvänlig app med många funktioner.
  • Revolut Ultra Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos null

    Revolut Ultra

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 6 000 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt -
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Välkomstbonus på 100 kr (Villkor gäller)
    • Tillång till 1400 lounger
    • Gratis valutaväxling (mån-fre)
  • Bunq Core Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Bunq

    Bunq Core

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 360 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 10 kr
    • Valutapåslag 1,50 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • 0% valutapåslag
  • Revolut Plus Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos null

    Revolut Plus

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 450 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Slipp valutapåslag och kontantuttag
    • Flera försäkringar
    • Tjäna RevPoints
  • Bunq Free Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Bunq

    Bunq Free

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 10 kr
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Gratis digitalt debetkort
    • Sparränta i flera valutor
    • Flera betalningsmöjligheter
  • Revolut Premium Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Revolut

    Revolut Premium

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 990 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • 100 kr i välkomstbonus (villkor gäller)
    • Lounge access till över 1000 lounger.
    • Fria uttag upp till 4000 kr/mån.
    • Gratis valutaväxling i hela världen.
    • Reseförsäkring med bland annat akutvård och ersättning för försenat flyg.
  • Wallester Business card Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Wallester

    Wallester Business Card

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 2,00 %
    • Valutapåslag 2,00 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Underlättar utläggshantering och administration
    • Gratis företagskort
  • Wise Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos TransferWise


    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Kostnadsfritt debetkort med tillhörande app.
    • Snabb och enkel ansökan utan krav på inkomst.
    • Inget valutapåslag.
    • Kan hålla över 50 valutor på en och samma gång.
    • Billigare valutaväxling.
  • Revolut Metal Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Revolut

    Revolut Metal

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 1 580 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 2,00 % (min 0 kr)
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Välkomstbonus på 100 kr (Villkor gäller)
    • Fria uttag upp till 8 000 kr/mån
    • Exklusivt kort i metall
    • Obegränsad valutaväxling utan extra kostnad på vardagar
    • Köpförsäkringar och reseförsäkring ingår (Villkor gäller)
  • N26 Standard Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos N26

    N26 Standard

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Gratis kortbetalningar oavsett valuta.
    • Fria kontantuttag som sker i euro.
    • Tillhörande app men en mängd bra funktioner.
  • Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Curve

    Curve Pay

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Gratis valutaväxling
    • Utnyttja förmåner från flera olika kort
  • Revolut Business Ansök nu Ansök säkert hos Revolut

    Revolut Business

    Jämför kort
    • Årskostnad 0 kr
    • Uttagsavgift 0 %
    • Valutapåslag 0 %
    • Mobila betalsätt
    • Fördelar
    • Detaljer
    • Krav
    • Recension
    • Inget valutapåslag
    • Många funktioner som underlättar hanteringen av företagets ekonomi
    • Inget valutapåslag
Varför bör du lita på oss?

Sedan 2017 har varit engagerade i att vägleda besökare till att göra informerade val när det gäller kreditkort. Vårt team av experter inom finans och resor arbetar hårt för att ge dig den vägledning du behöver för att göra de smartaste besluten. 

Våra experter, med lång erfarenhet, testar korten själva. Vi siktar på att ge dig tydliga och ärliga jämförelser av alla svenska kreditkort. Hos är vårt mål att tillhandahålla all nödvändig information för att du ska kunna göra kloka val som passar just din ekonomi. 

60 000+ Customers who have been approved for a credit card
100+ Impartially reviewed credit cards
150 000+ Visitors every month

Some of Our Partners

Ikano Bank
Bank Norwegian

Here at, we always ensure that you, our visitors, can quickly and easily find the credit card that suits your needs and preferences. We do this by listing all credit cards and reviewing them completely impartially. We cover all types of credit cards and debit cards available on the market in 2025, such as travel cards, rewards cards, fuel cards, and much more. In our guide section, we have also gathered a wealth of information on everything you might need to know when applying for and using a credit card.

How to Use

We have built in a way that makes it both fast and easy to compare credit cards as well as find and apply for a credit card. We cover a wide range of topics through our guides and provide impartial reviews of all credit cards in Sweden. Below, we have listed the benefits of using us when you want to compare and find the best credit card.

Which is the Best Credit Card?

Bank Norwegian's credit card is the best choice in Sweden for 2025. It offers flexible rewards in the form of either flight bonuses or cashback on all purchases, with no annual or withdrawal fees. Its user-friendly platform and reliable customer support make it the ultimate choice for those looking to maximize their benefits without hassle.

How Should I Choose the Right Credit Card?

At, different credit cards are compared based on several factors. Each card is presented with a summary and a more detailed review to help you choose the one that best suits your lifestyle and needs. With their detailed comparisons and reviews, you can feel confident in your credit card choice. You can also try the credit card guide and find a card that fits your needs.

Try the Credit Card Guide & Find Your Credit Card

We help you with everything related to credit cards. We list and compare the best credit cards in Sweden for 2025, and keep you updated and informed through news and guides. The link below will take you to our credit card guide, where you can answer 6 simple questions in 2 minutes and get suggestions for a credit card that suits you!

Try the credit card guide here!

Comprehensive Reviews of Credit Cards

Each card we list on is impartially reviewed by one of our writers. We always cover all aspects of a card in our reviews, from costs and interest-free days to bonuses, cashback, insurance, and much more. We also always review loyalty programs, examine insurance offerings, and investigate whether there are any hidden fees associated with the cards.

Our reviews are the best way for you to quickly dive deep into a card and determine if it’s something that suits you. In each review, you can also read our users' own opinions and thoughts about the cards, as well as the user ratings. If you have one of the credit cards we've reviewed, you can also leave your rating and share your thoughts in the comment section under the review.

All Card Categories Gathered in One Place

Here at, we have chosen to categorize the credit cards. By dividing the credit cards into categories, it becomes easier for you to navigate to the niche of cards that suit your interests and needs.

Within all categories, you can quickly compare credit cards that match the category name. For example, under travel cards, you’ll find cards that offer benefits before and during your trip, such as bonuses and insurance. You will also find credit cards with low interest rates, credit cards with high credit limits, and credit cards with no annual fee among our categories.

Quick Comparison of Credit Cards

Comparing and finding a good credit card doesn't have to be difficult or take a long time. Here at, we place a strong focus on user-friendliness through lists and reviews that highlight the most important aspects of each credit card. This allows you to quickly sort out the credit cards that match your preferences and then start comparing their pros and cons. There are several aspects you should consider when comparing credit cards in Sweden to get the best possible understanding of the cards.

Below are some of the aspects of a credit card that you should take a closer look at when comparing cards here on

  • Interest Rate – The interest rate we list in our card lists is the annual percentage rate (APR) that is applied if you choose to pay off your monthly bill in instalments.
  • Fees – In addition to the annual interest rate when paying the monthly bill in instalments, there may also be other fees. These fees can include everything from paper invoice charges to annual fees, currency surcharges, and withdrawal fees.
  • Benefits – Credit cards can come with few or many benefits. These range from insurance and fuel discounts to bonuses, lounge access, and concierge services. Different types of credit cards come with different kinds of benefits.

Learn Everything About Credit Cards in Our Guide Section

Whether you already have several credit cards or are completely inexperienced, there is always more to learn about credit cards. In our guide section, you can explore all aspects of a credit card. We have divided our guide section into four main categories, which are as follows:

  • Credit cards and payments – Basic guides that cover topics such as blocking a card, instalment payments for bills, and much more.
  • Loyalty programs and cashback – Guides on various bonus programs and cashback. We cover different types of cashback, how loyalty programs work, and more.
  • InsuranceTravel insurance, payment protection insurance, and much more. Here you will find all the information about the insurance and protection offered through credit cards.
  • Finance – Here we inform you about how different interest rates and costs associated with credit cards work. If you're unsure about what you may need to pay for a card, this is the category for you.

Calculate How Much Your Credit Card Will Cost You

Välj din kredit

Inga resultat

20 000 kr
0 kr 250 000 kr
2 år
1 mån 15 år


Bank Norwegian Bank Norwegian
  • Ränta 21,99 %
  • Total kostnad 4 581 kr
  • Total återbetalning 24 581 kr
  • Månadsbetalning 1 024 kr
Exempel vid uppskjuten betalning: effektiv ränta 21,93%, 15 000 kr över 12 månader. Totalt: 16.673
Detaljerad betalningsnedbrytning

Different Types of Cards, Credit Card Issuers and Banks

We have reviewed over 100 different debit and credit cards here at These are issued by both traditional banks and pure credit networks. Below, you will find information about each card issuer, the cards they back, and their pros and cons. Of course, you will also find a complete list of the issuer's credit cards on their respective page.

How Do Banks Make Money From Your Credit Card?

Banks make money from your credit card in several ways:

  • Annual fees: Many credit cards have an annual fee that the cardholder pays to use the card.
  • Interest income: When you don't pay off your full balance by the due date, interest starts to apply to the outstanding amount. This interest is an important source of income for banks.
  • Transaction fees: Banks charge a fee from the merchant every time you use your credit card. This fee is called a transaction fee or merchant fee, and it is often a percentage of the purchase amount.
  • Late fees and other penalty charges: If you pay your bill late, exceed your credit limit, or otherwise fail to adhere to the card agreement, the bank may charge late fees or other penalty charges.
  • Costs for additional services: Banks can also make money from various add-on services linked to the credit card, such as travel insurance, cancellation protection, and similar services, which they offer for an additional cost.

Through these various fees and interest income, banks generate revenue from the credit cards they issue.

Applying for a credit card is now both quick and secure. From comparing cards to completing the application, it takes no more than a few minutes with the help of our card lists, reviews, and comparisons. -

How to Apply for a Credit Card


Choose the Credit Card that Suits your Needs and Requirements

There is an extremely wide range of different credit and debit cards here at Before applying, it is important to choose a card that matches your intended usage habits and financial situation. Use our comparisons and take some extra time to compare credit cards against each other. This way, you can find a credit card that suits you and that you are confident will meet your needs.


Submit an Application for Your Chosen Card

Through our card list or card reviews, you can proceed directly to the card issuer's application form by clicking on "Apply now." You will always be directed to the card issuers' websites, which use multiple security solutions to ensure that applying for a credit card is safe.


Wait for a Response to Your Application

Once your application is submitted, the card issuer will request a credit report on you. This is done by UC AB and is used to assess your ability to repay. If no issues are found in the report and you meet the basic requirements, you have a good chance of being approved for your credit card. The time it takes to receive a response varies between different card issuers, but you will usually receive a decision within 1-2 business days.

Here’s When it’s Worth Getting a Credit Card

There are several reasons and situations when it’s worth getting a credit card:

  • Get more out of all your everyday purchases through bonuses, discounts, insurance, and cashback.
  • Greater flexibility in payments with interest-free days and free installment options.
  • Avoid fees abroad with a credit card that has no foreign exchange fee and withdrawal fee, if you travel frequently.
  • Increase financial security by using your credit card as a financial buffer for unexpected expenses.
  • It becomes easier to book a rental car, as the majority of rental car companies require a credit card for the deposit.
  • You get a clearer overview of all your expenses, as all card purchases are collected in a monthly invoice.

Compare Credit Cards

Bank NorwegianCollector Easyliving
Kreditkort Bank Norwegian Resurs Classic Collector Easyliving
Årsavgift 0 kr 0 kr 0 kr 195 kr
Effektiv ränta 24,35 %18,68 - 24,74 %17,29 %
Max kredit 150 000 kr30 000 kr50 000 kr
  • Reseförsäkringar
  • 6 veckors räntefri kredit
  • Ingen kontantuttagsavgift
  • Samla poäng på alla köp
  • Extra bonus vid köp hos Norwegian
  • Betala med mobilen
  • Ingen årsavgift
  • Kontaktlöst samt Apple Pay och Google Pay
  • Sms-kvitto
  • Delbetala i upp till 12 månader räntefritt
  • Inget valutapåslag
  • Omfattande reseförsäkringspaket
  • Koppla till SAS EuroBonus
  • Valutapåslag på 1,75 %
  • Inget extrakort
  • Ingen dagligvaruförsäkring
  • Inga försäkringar
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Compare All Cards

We take great pride in making it easy for you, our visitors, to find the best credit cards without any difficulty. First and foremost, it's important to determine what matters to you when looking for a good credit card. Only then can you use our lists and filters to compare credit cards and find the one that matches your needs and requirements.

In our complete list of all the credit cards we have reviewed here on, you can freely choose the cards that interest you and compare them. This is also a great way for you to discover new credit cards that you might not have come across before!

Compare All Cards

Compare Credit Cards

By clicking the "compare cards" box at the top right corner, you can compare multiple cards in a clear and structured way.

  • Resurs Gold – Credit card with bonuses on all purchases. Up to 150,000 in credit limit and 60 interest-free days.
  • re:member flex – Free credit card with many discounts. Up to 100,000 in credit limit and 56 interest-free days.
  • Bank Norwegian – Free travel card with flight bonus. Up to 100,000 in credit limit and 45 interest-free days.
  • Collector Easyliving – Credit card with no annual fee and no foreign exchange fee. Up to 100,000 in credit limit and 56 interest-free days.

Our Credit Card Categories

All credit cards: Here you will find all the credit cards available on the Swedish market.

Fuel cards: Gas cards that offer fuel discounts and insurance for your vehicle.

Payment cards: Here you can find debit cards available on the Swedish market.

Bonus cards: Credit cards where you collect reward points that can be exchanged for things like travel, experiences, products, and discounts.

Best credit cards: Here we list the best credit cards of 2025.

Cashback: Credit cards that give you money back on your purchases.

Debit cards: Here you will find all the debit cards on the market.

For retirees: Credit cards that retirees can apply for.

For students: Credit cards that are suitable for students.

Business cards: Credit cards for companies and employees.

Credit cards with a 50 000 limit: Credit cards with a credit limit of 50 000 SEK.

Credit cards with a 100 000 limit: Credit cards with a credit limit of 100 000 SEK.

Crypto cards: Credit cards for cryptocurrencies.

Low creditworthiness: Credit cards for people with low creditworthiness.

With payment remarks: Credit cards for those with payment defaults.

With good creditworthiness: Credit cards you can get with good creditworthiness.

With concierge service: Credit cards that come with concierge service.

With insurance: Credit cards that offer several types of insurance.

With a high credit limit: Credit cards for those who spend a lot and have a high income.

With lounge access: Credit cards that provide access to lounges.

With low interest: Credit cards with low fees for instalment payments.

With priority pass: Credit cards that grant access to a wide range of airport lounges worldwide.

With travel insurance: Credit cards that ensure you feel secure during your travels.

With savings interest: Credit cards that give you money back when you save.

Premium cards: Credit cards with exclusive and luxury benefits.

Travel cards: Credit cards with travel benefits.

Without income: Credit cards for those without a stable income or permanent employment.

Without UC: Credit cards for those who do not want a credit report check.

Without foreign exchange fee: Credit cards with no currency exchange fee.

Without annual fee: Free credit cards.

What is a Credit Card?

A credit card means that you have a purchasing limit for a specific amount to shop with. The credit is a type of loan that you need to repay. You have a certain number of days to repay the amount to get the "loan" for free. You can also choose to pay off the amount over a longer period with an interest charge.

Which Card Should You Choose?

You should choose the card that best suits you and your spending habits. This means that different cards benefit different people depending on their needs and preferences. This ensures that everyone can find a card that suits them. We help you find the card that works best for you by providing detailed reviews.

Should You Have a Credit Card?

Not everyone should have a credit card. Many people struggle to manage a credit card and should therefore use a debit card instead. It is a big risk to use a credit card if you spend more than you can afford. Therefore, you should only use a credit card if you have control over your own finances.

Is It Worth Getting a Credit Card?

Many credit cards have an annual fee. For it to be worth getting the credit card, you would ideally want to save more money than it costs. Therefore, it might be smart to calculate how much you spend each month to get an idea of how much you can save with the credit card.

What is Payment Protection?

Payment protection is an insurance that helps cover your credit card debts if you're unable to pay them off yourself. This can happen if, for example, you lose your job, become ill, or suffer an accident that prevents you from working.

What is Included in Payment Protection?

  • Income protection: Payment protection can cover your monthly credit card debt up to a certain limit if you become unemployed or unable to work due to illness or accident.
  • Illness and Accident: If you become ill or sustain a serious injury, payment protection can help cover your credit card debt during the period you are unable to work.
  • Unemployment: If you lose your job without any personal fault, payment protection can cover your credit card debt until you find a new job.

What is an Additional Card?

An additional card is an extra credit card linked to the same account as the primary credit card. Here is an overview of what an additional card is and who can get it:

  • Linked to the Main Card: An additional card is connected to the primary credit card and shares the same credit limit and account.
  • Separate Cards: Although it is linked to the main account, each card can have its own card number and is reported separately on the monthly statement.
  • Features: The additional card can have the same features and benefits as the primary card, including reward programs, discounts, and insurance.

Who Can Get an Additional Card?

  • Family Members: It is common to give an additional card to a spouse, partner, or other close family member. This can be practical for sharing the credit limit and managing family expenses.
  • Adult Children: Some credit card companies offer additional cards to adult children, which can be a way to provide financial assistance without needing to open a separate account.
  • Employees: Companies may sometimes apply for additional cards for employees who travel for business purposes or have other work-related expenses.

Benefits of Credit Cards

  • Travel insurance: Many credit cards offer automatic travel insurance that covers everything from lost luggage to medical expenses abroad.
  • Other insurances: In addition to travel insurance, some credit cards include other types of insurance such as purchase protection and income loss insurance.
  • Reward programs: Many credit cards offer points or cashback on purchases, which can be used for travel, shopping, or other rewards.
  • Discounts: Credit cards can provide discounts at specific stores, restaurants, or services, which can save money over time.
  • Security: Credit cards offer protection against fraud and theft, and you are usually not liable for unauthorized purchases.
  • Instalments & interest-free periods: The ability to pay off purchases in instalments or take advantage of interest-free periods offers financial flexibility.
  • Control over your finances: Credit card statements provide detailed information about your expenses, helping you track your finances and budgeting.
  • Always available credit: Credit cards provide access to a credit reserve that can be used for unexpected expenses or in emergencies.

Disadvantages of Credit Cards

  • Can create high costs: If you don't pay off your full balance on time, the interest rates can become very high, causing the debt to grow quickly and potentially becoming difficult to manage.
  • Can encourage instalment payments: The ability to pay for purchases in instalments can lead to buying more than you can afford and accumulating debt that may become hard to repay.
  • Annual fees and withdrawal fees: Some credit cards come with annual fees and charges for cash withdrawals, which can increase the overall cost of using the card.
  • Same income required next month: If you have a high credit limit and spend a lot, you are often expected to have a sufficiently high income to pay off the full balance each month. If your income fluctuates, it can become difficult to manage payments.


Which credit card is the best for me?
How do I know if a credit card is good or bad for me?
How do I find the best credit cards?
How much does a credit card cost?
Can everyone apply for a credit card?
Can I apply for a credit card despite having a payment default?
Is it safe to apply for a credit card?
Is a credit report always obtained on me when applying for a credit card?
What is
How does work?
Does it cost to use
What is a credit card?
What does credit limit mean?
How do contactless payments work?
What is a credit period?
Which credit card has the best benefits?

Håkan är en erfaren skribent på sedan 2021. Håkan fokuserar på att skriva recensioner av kreditkort, skapa informativa guider och publicera nyheter om krediter och kort. Han bygger sina djupa kunskaper inom privatekonomi på både utbildning och praktisk erfarenhet, och testar ofta de kort han recenserar för att få förstahandsinformation.

Senast uppdaterad Dec 18, 2024